Public services
Water tests:
Water tests including measuring salinity,water reaction, Cations of sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, anion's of carbonate, bicarbonate, chlorine in water, remaining sult, sodium’s suction ratio & finally determining irrigation class type for different agricultural processes.
Soils test:
Soil tests include measuring salinity, soil's reaction ( acidity & alkalify) ,organic material, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chlorine, amount of soils lime,satiation percent, ingredient percent of soils, sand,sediment, clay & finally determining soil's texture.
Soil test targets:
1.Detection of nutritional deficiencies & Recommended fertilizer recommendation based on soils test.
2.Farm's cordination & its usage change.
3. Fertilizer ‘s Portion determination & Track the resulting changes.
4.Determining parts of farms which were under the influence of Excessive consumption of fertilizers,sewage that creates Toxicity of the elements in the plant,animal or human.
5.Determining parts of farms which reach to the toxicity limitations & further elements usage should be avoided.
Providing plant pathology services:
Doing sugar beet nematode tests for farmers & giving required advice for different types of sugar beet seeds usage.
Controlling pests , disease & weeds in farm lands.
Seed technology tests:
Determining the humidity percentage & physical purity of different seeds such as sugar, wheat, barely, corn, alfalfa, etc.
Determining viability power of seed & seed germination test.
Repairing & keeping different agricultural machinery
Stone picker machine
Seeding machines ( row planter,line planter& setting)
Seedling planter machine
Sugar beet combine harvester machine
machin manufacturing:
CNC submerged Welding machine
Manuel submerged welding machine
CNC cutting machine
4 meters Lathes machine
Universal lathes machine
Universal Milling machines
Radial drilling machine
Desktop drilling machine
Rectifier Welding machine
Bevelling machine
Overhead crane
Cool rolling machine
Co2 welding machine
Plasma cutting machine
Agricultural Repairs & sugar beet contractors delivery
Building different types of cool rolling & Cone shaped stores houses
Weather service